Horizontal Migrations

This article will provide instructions if you decide that you would like to split off some campaigns from one account into it’s own account. This could be useful when selling a brand, or possibly for accounting reasons.

The horizontal migration task is based off the campaigns and it will pull over all the associated products.

To know which items to migrate, we will need a file provided to us containing the campaignIds, gatewayIds, funnelIDs, ATRI Profiles, plugins, SMTP accounts, and Users (including API Users) that you’ll want to migrate over. Please use the sample file below so the appropriate info is supplied to the Concierge Team.

It is possible that more gateways and products are migrated than there are specified in the spread sheet. This would happen if those gateways or products are associated with transactions and items on orders that are part of the specified campaigns. We do not filter data for the migration based on product IDs because the amount totals on the migrated customers would not add up if individual items were removed.

In other words, those additional items will have been migrated either because those items used to be sold in those campaigns, or there were campaign products from other campaigns that were used on the orders against the identified campaigns (we do not restrict campaignProductIds to their campaigns).

Any additional products from unspecified campaigns will be created under a new miscellaneous campaign.

When you are ready with the file (or you can do this sooner), please place a request to our migration team as that is the team who will pull in the data. They are also a great resource if you have any questions about the file.

If the account the data is migrating to is a brand new account, then the IDs of the items will remain the same as the old account. We will remove any product that have been added.

If the account the data is migrating to is an existing live account, then the IDs of the migrated items will continue counting up from when the “native” IDs left off.

When it has been determined that the file is ready, the Concierge team will schedule the migration and provide you with a rough timeline. When the data has been pulled into the new account, we will request that you look at the imported items and customers to ensure everything is looking as it should. We will also ask for you to Force Bill a few customers (force the next rebill) so we can confirm that the transaction reaches the gateway properly.

Once it has been confirmed that everything is looking accurate on the imports, and after coordinating with you to ensure the new sales and rebills for the migrated campaign in the old CRM have been stopped – the last step is for the migration team to enable those migrated customers so that they get picked up on the rebill task moving forward.

If new sales and rebills continue to run in the old account, then the data between the two account will be mismatched. The only way to resolve this is by wiping out all of the customers in the account to migrate the customer data again - which would include any customers that were not migrated.

Rerunning the migration task is subject to additional charges.


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