Chargeback Details Report

Summary of Column Headers found in Chargeback Details Report:

  • Txn Date : Origin date of transaction to be charged back

  • Campaign : Title of campaign for the Chargeback

  • Customer : Name of Customer for the chargeback

  • Order : Order number for chargeback

  • C B Date : Date of the charge back

  • Amount : Amount of the chargeback

  • Note : Notes made by agent during chargeback

  • Reason Code : Code provided by agent during chargeback

  • Type : Card Type for chargeback

  • Bin : First six digits of card number

  • Last4 : Last 4 digits of card number

  • P P : Boolean Prepaid status

  • Debit : Boolean Debit Status

  • Bank: Name of Bank

  • Source: Name of Affiliate


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