CRM Dashboard
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Last updated
The CRM Dashboard provides graphs, tables, and charts to illustrate how your business is performing. Any hyperlinked value will redirect you to the report that the value is being retrieved from.
The dashboard is customized per user. Each user can customize their own dashboard to display the data that is most important to them.
Header Buttons (visible from any page)
From Left to Right:
List button will hide/show the titles of the left-hand navigation bar
The square shaped button will put the CRM on full screen
The sun/moon shaped button will switch between light and dark mode
The magnifying glass button provides quick links to search for customers, fulfillments, or products.
Click on your username to find links to account settings, subscription info, help desk, ticketing system, and log out.
Quick Links
The Dashboard also provides quick links to edit your campaigns, gateways, users, and a few other plugins.
Using the Dashboard
Use the Quick Range dates or the date selector to determine which days the Dashboard will show statistics for. You may also filter the Dashboard to a specific campaign.
Scroll down to view the widgets added to your dashboard.
Customizing the Dashboard
Clicking the Edit button will allow you to add, remove, and reorganize your dashboard.
Click the Show Widgets button to view all the available widgets.
Clicking the green + buttons will add the widget to your dashboard.
After you have added all the widgets that you would like to use, click and drag the widgets to reorganize your dashboard.
After reorganizing, click the Done button to return back to your Dashboard.