Projected Billing Report
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This report will show you an estimate of the amount of billing you should see on specific dates.
Rebill Projections: This is the percentage of rebills you think will be successful based of cycle. (Rebill #1 = Cycle 2) (Rebill #2 = Cycle 3)
Recycle Projections: This is referring to Recycle Billing and what percentage will successfully bill after reattempts. (Recycle #1 = 1st Decline Salvage attempt)
Campaign: The campaign customers are within
Campaign Category: The created categories of campaigns
Product: The specific product customer bought
Affiliates: The affiliate customers came through originally
Call Center: The call center the customer came through
Mid: The actual mid your customer are going through
Campaign/Source/Gateway: Sort Type
#: The number of rebills taking place that day.
Rev: The amount of revenue projected to be made that day. Calculated from Billing Dates, Rebill Projections, and Recycle Projections.
This report looks for all purchases created on or after the Start Date, and projects their rebill returns between then and the chosen End Date.
For example, if a purchase starts it’s billing this month, and rebills again next month, it will show up on a combined report for those months, but not on a report just for the second month.
It is also important to note that this report is really only intended to project for the next billing cycle (Next 30 Days if you are billing monthly) because the next billing date is set only when the current billing cycle is complete.
The way the system works is it bills and if successful the system then schedules the next billing so there's really only one billing cycle scheduled ahead for each order.