Shopping Cart Lander

The Konnektive Shopping Cart is a full E-commerce solution to help you manage large product listings and take orders from your customers.

1) Create an E-Commerce Campaign -Go to CRM|Campaigns from the menu on the left and click on the '+' button to create a campaign

-Select E-Commerce from the dialog

2) Creating the Page

-After setting up your campaign countries and offers, click on the 'Create Cart' button in the Shopping Cart section.

-Enter the base directory for your site. The base directory is the url where your cart will be hosted. The cart files must reside in the same directory.

3) Customize your Pages

-Now click on the "Edit Pages" button to customize your Shopping Cart. This will load the customization screen.

-This screen features a tabbed system to allow you to navigate between each page in the shopping cart. It is required that a catalog page, a checkout page and a thank you page are setup for a fully functional cart.

-To setup each page click on the tab, and then click the link that says "Click To Create Page". This will display a dialog box that will ask you to enter the file name. Each page must have it's own file name.

-When the page is created, you will see a number of options load up on the left hand side of the screen and a preview load up on the right-hand side.

-Enabling or disabling options on the left-hand side of the screen will cause the preview to update to display those form fields. You have a number of options from which to choose between the pages you can create.

4) Add a Catalog Page

-The Catalog Page allows your customers to navigate your product offers and select which products, they would like to add to their cart. The catalog page updates automatically when you change campaign price points, add coupons, add products or update images and descriptions.

5) Add Upsell Products (optional)

-Konnektive provides one-click upsell pages, that you can use to push additional product to your customer before they reach their order summary. You have the option to require that the customer re-enters their card information or you can simply provide a button that will authorize the charge.

6) Add a Thank You Page

-A thank you page is required to provide the customer with their order summary. The Lander will give you a basic layout that can be used for this page, but it is always best to have a designer customize this to the look and feel of your website.

-A notable option is the reorder URL. This option, if not left blank, will allow visiting customers to return to the initial lead or checkout page and submit additional orders. This is something that you would want to make sure that you use for straight-sale campaigns, and ensure that you disable for trial offers.

7) Download and Install

-Once you have configured your pages you are ready to install them on your domain. First, you will need to click on the "Download Code" button at the top right of the screen.

-This will download a zip file to your computer that contains the web site files necessary to install your landing page.

-You will need to put these files onto your web server at your domain (We recommend FTP). Be sure to put these in the same directory that you used when setting up the landing page configuration.

-Next go into the resources directory and open the file called config.php. In this file you will need to type in the loginId (username) and password (password) of an API User with access to your CRM. Please see our user creation tutorials if you do not know how to setup an API User.

Once this is done, your shopping cart is fully installed and will be ready to take sales. However, it is static at this point and will not respond to changes in the CRM campaign and landing page configuration files. In order to make your page reflect pricing changes, new product images, and new product descriptions, you will need to enable the auto-update feature.

8) Enable Auto-Update

-Enabling auto-update allows the CRM to periodically make api requests to your landing page and update critical configuration data. Storing the data on your server this way,means that your cart loads extremely fast (It does not need to make an api request each time a visitor lands on the page to confirm its configuration).

-You must give your web server software write access to the config.php file, in order for the auto-update to work.

-In cPanel, this can be accomplished with the file manager. A cPanel tutorial is available here:

-This can also be accomplished over ssh using the chown and chmod commands. If you are updating your web server files using the command line, we are going to assume you are familiar with this process.

-After you have ensured that your web server has write access to the config.php file, You will need to enable auto-update on the page.

-Check this box, and then click update. You'll can check the log of update attempts, as well, by clicking on the "view update log" link.


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