Order Details
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Last updated
Select Reports then click Customers then click Order Details:
Enter information into any of the options in the Filters section to find the customer/orders you are looking for:
Date Range: Use the defaulted date ranges or specific dates to find the transaction. This report searches for the date that the order was created.
Campaign: Choose the Campaign the orders are in.
Campaign Category: Choose the Campaign Category the orders are in.
Product: Choose the specific Base Product on the orders that you are searching for.
Product Category: Search for orders containing base products within a specific product category.
Campaign Product: Search for orders containing a specific campaign product.
Coupon Code: Search for orders that have used a particular coupon code from your campaign
Affiliate: Search for orders who came through a specific Affiliate.
Pub ID: Search for orders who came through a specific PublisherId under an affiliate.
Sub ID: Search for orders who came through a specific Sub AffiliateId under an affiliate.
Call Center: Search for orders who came through a specific Call Center.
Agent: Search for orders that were placed by an Sales/Customer Service agent
Currency: Search for orders who used a specific currency.
Country: Search for orders from a specific country.
Order Status: Search for orders under a particular order status (not the purchase status of a subscription)
All Sales: Filters to all sales that occurred, regardless of the current order status.
Complete: Filters to all orders who were completed. (At least one product approved)
Pending: Filters to orders waiting to be approved within Quality Assurance.
Partial: Filters to orders where payment info was never submitted.
Declined: Filters to orders where payment info was submitted but all products declined.
Refunded: Filters to orders that have been refunded
Cancelled: Filters to orders who have been cancelled (NOT cancelled purchase status)
COD Pending: Filters to Cash On Delivery orders who have not been delivered yet.
Complete Order with Soft-Declined Upsell: Filters to Complete orders who also had a soft-declined upsell
Order Type: Choose to search for New Sales or Recurring Sales.
Gateway: Search for orders who went against a specific Gateway.
Pay Source: Search for orders who used a specific PaySource.
3D Secure:
Not Protected
Enter the correct search criteria in the Filters section then click the green Go button:
The Order Details will display in both the graph and table.
The graph in the Charts section will display:
Leads -the amount of Leads acquired during a specified date range.
Sales -the amount of Sales made in a specified date range.
Declines -the amount of Declined transactions in a specified date range.
The table at the bottom of the page shows order details:
Select: Checkbox. Select Checkbox to include Order in batch processing
Date Created: The date the order was made.
Campaign: The campaign the order was created under.
Source: The Affiliate that the order was created under.
Order: The orderId along with status of that order.
Type: The type of order: New Sale or Recurring.
Cust #: The Konnektive internal customer Id.
Customer: The name of the customer.
Total: The total amount of the order.
Refunded: The amount refunded or voided.
Products: The products purchased under the order.
Country: ISO-2 Country Code.
Card: The last four digits and type of the card used for the order.