Pixxles is a payment processor that offers end-to-end payment services. Accept ecommerce payments, use a secure virtual terminal, and enjoy digital banking.
Last updated
Pixxles is a payment processor that offers end-to-end payment services. Accept ecommerce payments, use a secure virtual terminal, and enjoy digital banking.
Last updated
Authorization with delayed Capture is not supported on Pixxles
Step 1:
Go to Gateways → Gateway Integrations and activate the Pixxles tile with the + Activate button
Step 2:
Enter the merchantId and signature from your Pixxles account. Enter your Descriptor and Mid #. Press the green Create Gateway button to create your Pixxles gateway.
Choose useTestServer for sandbox testing only
Step 3:
Apply the gateway to your offers and upsells within the campaign.
Secure 3DS:
Be sure to implement proper handling of 3DS on the checkout page
3DS requires that certain browser information be included on the Import Order API call:
Add a hidden input for browserData
Add the below script before closing “body” tag.