Gateway List
Last updated
Last updated
Select Gateways > then click on Gateway List
The Gateway List screen displays information about all of the gateways you have setup in the CRM.
The list provides quick summaries of important Merchant Reporting Metrics:
ID: The id of the gateway account within the CRM
Category: The category the gateway is assigned to
Title: Your display name for the account
Today: Transaction volume against the gateway for the current date
MTD: Transaction volume against the gateway for the current month
Cap: Total transaction volume allowed on the gateway
Left: The amount of cap remaining on the mid after taking out mtd billings
DR: The discount rate set for the gateway
RAR: The reserve account rate set for the gateway
Txn Fee: The gateway and processor transaction fees
CB: The chargeback rate thresdhold for the gateway
Ach: checked if ach payments are allowed on the gateway
PP: checked if blocking prepaid cards on the gateway
M: checked if Mastercard is allowed on the gateway
V: checked if Visa is allowed on the gateway
A: checked if American Express is allowed on the gateway
D: checked if Discover is allowed on the gateway