Last updated
Last updated
Mollie does not support Authorize, Capture and Void
Mollie will work with Form-code and landers that connect to Konnektive via Direct API. This will NOT work with Order Entry.
Refunds will not be completed instantly. Refunds are completed some time later after a final disposition is received from Mollie.
To activate a Mollie gateway, go to Checkout Champ | Gateways | Gateway Integrations and select the Mollie tile. Click the + Activate button to activate Mollie.
Enter apiKey in the General Details Section of the Gateway Creation Screen. apiKey is obtained from your Mollie gateway account.
Choose sendUpsellToken to use the payment token returned at checkout to process 1-click upsells. Unchecking this box will launch Mollie for upsells.
Choose zeroAuth to allow a zero amount transaction to be sent to the gateway. This is a good alternative to the Validate Card trial option. More information is here.
Click the Create Gateway button to save your changes and create the gateway.
The Checkout page must be secure HTTPS. A non-secured call to the Mollie gateway will be rejected.
Pass paySource=PREPAID and prepaidType=MOLLIE on the import order API call from your checkout page
One option is to use hidden input fields on the page
This next step can be ignored if using CheckoutChamp hosted pages
The checkout page must handle standard 3DS processing