Customer Service Report
Last updated
Last updated
This report can be found under Reports|Call Center|Customer Service
This report can be used to track all customer activity done in the system. You can see action done by the system as well as any user in relation to a customer's profile.
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Choose the defaulted date ranges or specific dates.
Campaign: The campaign customers are within
Product: The specific product customer bought
Call Center: The call center the customer came through.
User: The user within the CRM that did the actions.
Access Level: Admin/ Customer Service Agent / Affiliate/ API User/ CS Admin/ Sales Rep
Partial - incomplete order
New Sale Declined - New sale transaction not successful
New Sale Success - Successful new sale transaction
QA Declined - Quality assurance declined
QA Approved - Quality assurance approved
QA Pending - Order set to QA pending
Trial Started - Started recurring trial
Rebill Started - Rebill initiated
Trial Completed - Customer completed trial
Trial Failed - Trial transaction not successful
Rebill Success - Rebill success
Rebill Failed - Rebill declined
Rebill Completed - Completed all billing cycles
Recycle Saved - Successful recycle billing transaction
Recycle Failed - Recycle billing transaction not successful
Order Cancelled - Cancelled order
Rebill Cancelled - Cancelled recurring purchase
Rebill Restarted - Rebill restarted
Agent Note - Note added by agent
Customer Updated - Updated customer
Purchase Updated - Updated purchase
Order Updated - Updated order
Fulfillment Updated - Updated fulfillment
Refunded - Successful refund transaction
Refund Failed - Refund transaction failed
Blacklisted - Customer added to blacklist
Chargebacked - Chargeback transaction
Membership Started - Customer added to membership
Membership Cancelled - Customer removed from membership
Membership Restarted - Customer restarted membership
Autoresponder - Email sent to customer
Trial Skipped - Cancelled recurring trial
Restart Billing - Billing cycle restarted
Rma Pending - Fulfillment set to pending return
Order Returned - Return received from customer
Order Shipped - Fulfillment shipped
Order Failed - Fulfillment failed
Order Frozen - Permanent hold on fulfillment
Rebill Forced - Next bill forced for immediate charging
Pending - Fulfillment has been received by the fulfillment house but hasn't been sent
Oder Reshipped - Fulfillment reshipped
Void - Order has been voided
Hide System Actions - Hide all action done by system(API calls included)
Agent Notes Only - Hides all actions unless they are done by an agent
The actions seen above are also the ones that will display with the Summary section of this report:
On the right of this report you can see totals of all the actions performed.
Action: Type of Action initialized by User
Total: # of records affected by Action
Username - The user who did the actions
Customer - The name of the customer that action was completed on
Actions - What was actually done
Message - Manual agent notes or system generated notes
Access Level - The access level of the user who did the action
Date Created - Date the action was done
Is Note - Will display with a note if agent manually put in a note