PayPal Commerce Checkout (SDK)
Last updated
Last updated
If using Checkout Champ hosted pages then follow this guide
You may implement PayPal’s SDK to take advantage of Venmo and Pay Later payment options through PayPal. Other payment options are coming soon.
Full PayPal documentation on this approach is here:
PayPal SDK:
SDK Performance Optimization:
The PayPal SDK supports PayPal, Venmo, and Pay Later only
If you are not implementing Venmo or Pay Later then do not use the SDK. Follow these instructions instead.
The PayPal option cannot be disabled (you cannot offer Venmo or Pay Later without a PayPal button on your page).
The PayPal SDK is supported only when referenceTransactions is disabled OR referenceTransactions and vaultEnabled are both enabled.
Pay Later is not compatible with the Single Transaction campaign option
You cannot choose different payment types for checkout and upsells. For example, if a checkout is done on Venmo then the upsell must also be on Venmo.
Rebills are supported on Venmo when referenceTransactions and vaultEnabled are both enabled. Rebills are never supported on Pay Later.
Step 1: Import Click
The Checkout page contains the PayPal SDK. Call the Import Click API when the page loads to obtain a session.
Be sure to include pageType=checkoutPage and sessionId
If this is the first page of the funnel -
Send requestUri (include affiliate tracking string for reporting) instead of sessionId.
The response from this call will contain a sessionId which should be sent on all subsequent API calls for this session.
Step 2: PayPal SDK
Add this required script to the checkout page
<script src="¤cy=CURRENCY&enable-funding =ENABLED_FUNDINGS&disable-funding=DISABLE_FUNDING data-partner-attribution-id=PARTNER_ID"></script>
Mandatory Parameters:
Live: AaazqkTAjaKPbvo0EmqjfYJuwpcE1IeU7DOt3WFGlkXn2Rrlj6fKGiMkaE4HUSWBp96a8mEM4uLBdS-6
Sandbox: AdATBZ6vUtyH5FQ3weG-63lWwkNioUYJ0b07KEdVwrw0z_DkctGqnz2Q7O-59Dh5nLAOo0LsQOw5GTqY
MERCHANT_ID: Your PayPal gateway "merchantId"
CURRENCY: Campaign Currency code (such as USD)
ENABLED_FUNDINGS: venmo, paylater. Only venmo and paylater are supported. You can remove venmo or paylater if you do not want to offer both types. For upsell pages this should include only the type chosen at checkout.
DISABLE_FUNDING: Not all PayPal payment sources are supported. You may need to explicitly disable some options. This should be a comma-separated list of: card bancontact blik eps giropay ideal mercadopago mybank p24 sepa sofort credit (do not include this if paylater is enabled) venmo (do not include this if venmo is enabled) paylater (do not include this if paylater is enabled)
Sandbox: T2PHJAU4MDP4J
Conditional Parameter:
If QA is enabled in the campaign then include intent=authorize
See this link for full details: JavaScript SDK script configuration
Step 3: PayPal button
Add a button to the body tag with an "id" attribute (example: id: paypal-button-container)
<div id="paypal-button-container"></div>
Step 4: Handle PayPal button functions
Functions required for the PayPal buttons are:
onClick (Call the Import Order API to retrieve the create order parameters. It must include paypalSdk = 1 with other required parameters)
It is important that you bind the Import Order call to the PayPal checkout button.
Be sure to include the sessionId and orderId from the previous steps, if known
There are PayPal specific requirements that need to be passed to Import Order:
paySource = 'PAYPAL'
paypalBillerId is the value assigned to your PayPal Commerce gateway, found on your gateway list.
prepaidType = PAYPAL_VENMO or PAYPAL_PAYLATER (if PayPal button is clicked then do not send this parameter)
createOrder (Create a PayPal order using the parameters received from the “onClick” function)
onApprove (PayPal approved the order. To process the order in Konnektive and complete it in PayPal pass the “orderID” and “payerID” to Confirm PayPal API. It must include paypalSdk = 1)
onCancel (PayPal users canceled the payment or closed the payment screen)
onError (Error from PayPal)
See this link for more details: JavaScript SDK reference
Step 5: Upsell Pages
It is not necessary to render the PayPal SDK on upsell pages when checkout is done with PayPal or Venmo AND referenceTransactions is enabled AND vaultEnabled is enabled. In this situation the upsell will be processed with a one-click flow.
For all other situations the previous steps can be repeated on each upsell page. In these situations the PayPal SDK does not support a one-click upsell.
Checkout page example:
Upsell page example: